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Chaos and Pain switches to just DMHA for its upcoming Cannibal Carnage

cannibal carnage

Last week Chaos and Pain dropped a bomb of sorts, confirming the coming of yet another stimulant powered supplement. Fans were introduced to the flavored fat burner Cannibal Carnage, which was said to be another one of the brand’s DMHA and DMAA powered formulas. A bit of an update on that product has now been dropped, confirming a slight change of plans for the still upcoming Cannibal Carnage.

Chaos and Pain has revealed that when it’s finally released, Cannibal Carnage isn’t going to have the powerhouse combination of DMHA and the controversial DMAA. For whatever reason the brand has switched to just DMHA, which will be joined by a handful of other ingredients to make sure the supplement burns fat as promised. We still don’t know what any of those other ingredients are, although knowing Chaos and Pain there will be more than just a couple, and they’ll all be well dosed.

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