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4+ Nutrition launches its two topicals, Cut4Her and Cut4Him Cream

4+ cut cream

The Italian supplement company 4+ Nutrition has officially released its two new topical formulas this week, Cut4Her and Cut4Him Cream. While the latter was unveiled a couple of weeks after the former, both products have been launched direct at the exact same time. Their arrival not only brings availability but it also finally confirms what separates the two.

Since both of 4+ Nutrition’s topical formulas have been designed to do the same kind of thing, it should come as no surprise that their combinations of ingredients are almost identical. They’re so similar in fact, that the descriptions they’re listed with on the brand’s website are just a couple of lines shy of being word for word.

Looking at their labels it seems Cut4Her and Cut4Him Cream are only separated by a couple of ingredients. There is just one main feature that Cut4Him has that Cut4Her doesn’t with the seaweed fucus vesiculosus better known as bladder wrack, and in return Cu4Her has hedra helix, an ingredient missing in Cut4Him.

As mentioned the two topicals do also share of number of features including caffeine, carnitine, and horse chestnut. Despite their differences both Cut4Her and Cut4Him Cream have been designed to help you lose weight, and promise the same collection effects such as thermogenesis and prevention of fat accumulation.

You can now pick up either or both of 4+ Nutrition’s fat burning tropicals direct from its Italian website, where the two are priced exactly the same at €25 each.

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