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Nitraflex and PMP looking RTDs spotted in new GAT teaser

gat pmp rtd

A GAT teaser image has been surfaced today that we have feel is a lot more obvious than it initially appears. The image which you can see above features two RTD supplements branded as GAT Sport, with both keeping their full names hidden away behind a pile of ice. Fortunately, their lids and parts of their labels confirm enough for us to make a pretty good guess at what they are.

Firstly the lids of each of the two RTD products both say pre-workout, confirming their category. You then look at the branding of each item as well as the letters visible of their titles and you quickly realize we’re probably looking at RTD versions of GAT’s two pre-workout competitors, Nitraflex and PMP.

gat pmp rtd

Not only does the branding of the right bottle in the teaser look exactly like PMP’s, but it does also have the words “Of Nitraflex” visible which is also on the PMP powder in the line “From The Science Of Nitraflex”. The other RTD in the teaser has its own little clue as well as it has the words “Creatine Free” visible, a highlight the Nitraflex powder promotes on the top right of its tub.

Of course, we can’t confirm that the two supplements in the GAT teaser are a Nitraflex and a PMP RTD, as we are going to need to see their full bottles. Our guesses we feel are pretty solid though, especially based on the branding of the products and each of their little clues.

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