Before Oh Yeah Nutrition launched its well-known and extremely popular One Bar, the brand dropped the exclusive Low Carb Bar. It was basically Europe’s version of the One Bar, which for a fair bit of its existence actually had more flavors than the originally US competitor. Those in Europe however may have noticed a bit of a change recently with the Low Carb Bar, as it is now slowly being phased out.
Oh Yeah has simply decided to drop the European exclusive Low Carb Bar and replace it with the One Bar. The decision just makes things a lot simpler for the consumer as well as probably the brand itself. Fans in the area may already notice the supplement is no longer available in certain flavors, although the One Bar should be taking its place.
Oh Yeah’s European distributor Prometeus, is already listing stock for five of One Bar’s flavors including two of its most recent releases, Cinnamon Roll and Chocolate Birthday Cake.