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Inspired Nutraceuticals becomes one of the best in 2016


In at number two on our list of top five brands of 2016, following on from Grenade, Gaspari, and Olympus, is a brand that wasn’t exactly that big one year ago. The brand is none other than Inspired, who didn’t release a lot of new supplements in 2016 but they all counted.

Inspired really kicked the year off with a bang, when it teased then released its sequel pre-workout formula DVST8 White Cut. The product eventually made its way out into the market around March, then not long after that we got a hold of it for review. It was that review that temporarily earned it the title of the best pre-workout available in the US.

dvst8 white cut

The first DVST8 White Cut packed a powerful combination of energy, focus, pump, and performance, although it wasn’t long after it arrived that Inspired really showed what it was made of. Despite White Cut only being on the market for three months, in June it relaunched the pre-workout with a few extra ingredients, and three new flavors. It was those small changes that took the supplement from being the best in the US, to the best pre-workout full stop.

Not only were Inspired’s new DVST8 White Cut flavors incredibly delicious, especially compared to its original options. But the extra ingredients were enough to make it better than the only product that was at all close to it, Dedicated’s Unstoppable. As impressive as it was to see the brand put together pre-workout perfection, it was even more impressive seeing how quick it was able to relaunch the new and improved version.

inspired bcaa

While most of the first half of Inspired’s 2016 was taken up by DVST8 White Cut, it still found time to release other products around it. As well as essentially taking over the pre-workout market, between March and July the brand also reformulated its BCAA with two new flavors, and introduced its performance formula LGND.

In the second half of the year, things weren’t as interesting for Inspired but it was still packed full of excitement. Fans were treated to another reformulation with CR3 getting AstraGin, ActiGin, and more agmatine, there was also a new clothing collection launched, and the brand also found its way into the major retailer Suppz.


As 2016 came to a close, Inspired made sure it didn’t lose any momentum, by dropping more apparel and teasing then revealing an upcoming pre-workout called DVST8 Crimson. The supplement has still yet to be released but will be a different kind of pre-workout experience compared to White Cut, and based on the samples we tried it’s going to be another top competitor. We also can’t forget that near the end of the year we finally got to try the incredibly effective performance formula LGND, and were not disappointed.

Basically, Inspired did what most brands in our top five list did in 2016, and that was fill it with plenty of new products. Inspired however stood above the rest because most of its releases were incredibly effective supplements, and one of them was crowned the best pre-workout on the market. The brand has also set itself up to make 2017 an even better year with all the well deserved hype behind the upcoming DVST8 Crimson, and word that we’re going to be seeing an Inspired protein sometime soon.

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