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New Muscle Marinade will be heavier than Purus Labs’ DMAA original

muscle marinade

As we continue to eagerly await the launch of Purus Labs returning pre-workout legend, Muscle Marinade, more and more details appear to be coming in bit by bit. A few days ago we got confirmation that unlike its predecessor, the 2017 version would not be featuring DMAA. We’ve now got another little detail, with how heavy Muscle Marinade’s serving size is going to be.

The new piece of information has come from an even closer at the upcoming supplement than what we got a couple of days ago. It turns out the product is actually going to weigh in at around the same as the DMAA original. Each tub of Purus Labs’ new Muscle Marinade is going to pack 25 servings and tip the scales at a total of 540 or 558g, depending on what flavor you get. That works out to 21.6 and 22.3g per serving, which is roughly 10% heavier than the previous formula.

Muscle Marinade (DMAA original)

muscle marinade

The serving size reveal doesn’t exactly confirm any exact ingredients for the upcoming Muscle Marinade, but it certainly suggests the pre-workout is going to be just as packed as the original as it clearly has the room for it. For those that want a trip down memory lane, we hae added the label for the original Muscle Marinade above, which does in fact transparently list all of its doses except for the caffeine and DMAA.

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