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Myprotein launches its slightly larger Pro Meal line in 3 flavors

myprotein pro meals

Myprotein has just dropped an all-new series of microwave meals called Pro Meals, which are slightly different from the brand’s smaller Protein Meals. The new products all come in trays, as opposed to bags like the Protein Meals, and weigh in at 380g each. The bigger size does of course mean bigger macros, that do vary from flavor to flavor.

In total Myprotein has introduced its Pro Meals line with three different flavors in Lemon Chicken with Sweet Potato Mash, Spanish Chicken with Brown Rice, and Turkey Meatballs with Wholegrain Pasta. The macros for each meal are (Lemon/Spanish/Meatballs) 40/39/28.5g of protein, 37/46/53g of carbohydrates with 15.3/3/5.7g of that sugar, 7.2/5.7/11g of fat (4.6/2.7/2.3g saturated), and 391/407/452 calories.

While Myprotein’s new Pro Meals are a little bit bigger in size compared to its older Protein Meals, their prices aren’t too much higher through the brand’s website. You can’t actually purchase the meals individually, only in boxes of six costing £24.99, which works out to just over £4 a meal.

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