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Upcoming Liberty Ballz promising to liberate balls of all sizes

liberty ballz

Back at this year’s Arnold Expo in Columbus, the very new supplement company ‘Merica Labz, revealed that it has another new product coming soon. We didn’t get any details about its formula or effects, just confirmation that it is a testosterone booster and officially titled Liberty Ballz.

Today the brand has passed on a preview of its next new supplement, which gives us both a first look at the well named Liberty Ballz as well as a description right from its label. While the preview is pretty straightforward showing off the finished product, the description ‘Merica Labz has released isn’t your typical list of promises and highlights.

liberty ballz

“‘Proclaim liberty throughout all the pants unto all the inhabitants thereof.’ We print this screed as a testament to the power of Liberty Ballz to liberate balls, big and small, from the tyranny of beta-hood. The product contained herein is your declaration of ball-independence; a solemn proclamation to never again cast aside your balls to the prison of purses, watching The View, or drinking mocha Frappuccino. For now and forever, stand tall on the shoulders of giants who lost their balls to protect yours.”

All we can gather from that is that Liberty Ballz is going to do just as its name says, liberate your balls no matter the size.

According to ‘Merica Labz, Lberty Ballz is going to be released in a few months time, and will in fact be its first new supplement since it launched its two pre-workouts. The Liberty Ballz formula is also expected to be revealed before it’s released, so be sure to stay tuned for more information.

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