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Applied Nutriceuticals working on three types of supplements

App Nut

Applied Nutriceuticals has released an image featuring a wide variety of supplements it is currently testing. The image confirms the brand is working on three types of products, all in two or three flavors each, and all of which Applied plans on launching at some point.

None of the supplements in the brand’s picture have names, only categories in pre-workout, post-workout, and a flavored fat burner. We do also know the serving sizes of the products in testing with the pre-workout at 10g, post-workout at a slightly heavier 14g, and the fat burner at 4g.

As mentioned Applied Nutriceuticals does plan on eventually launching all of the supplements it’s currently working on. While we don’t have a timeframe on when they’ll arrive, they’re all going to be big releases, especially with two of them being for two of the biggest categories there are.