Since first meeting Perfect Shaker almost two years, we’ve seen the brand grow far beyond what it was with its various lines of shakers. One of our favorites would be its Hero Series featuring designs that include a wide range of DC and Marvel Comics’ hero logos.
Over the past couple of weeks another line of hero branded supplement shakers has been appearing, however, it isn’t from Perfect Shaker. The long running company BlenderBottle has come out with its very own hero collection made up of four different DC Comics super heroes.
All of the designs in the new BlenderBottle hero series are heroes Perfect Shaker has used with Superman, The Flash, Wonder Woman, and Batman. While they do have their heroes in common, BlenderBottle’s shakers are a bit different in terms of design. They appear to have a slightly darker tone compared to Perfect Shaker’s for example, Wonder Women uses a dark burgundy background as opposed to bright blue.
We’ve already picked up a couple of the BlenderBottle hero shakers for ourselves at $9.99 each from Walmart. At the moment they’re not online, however, the brand has told us they will be available through blenderbottle.com in the near future.