The smarter supplement brand Genius Supplements has just dropped a new and improved version of its weight loss competitor Genius Burn. The name of the sequel is simply Genius Burn Version 2, which certainly features enough changes to deserve the alternate title.
For the most part, Genius has kept the aim of its caffeine free fat burner Genius Burn much the same. It promises a familiar combination of effects including enhanced focus and clarity, improved memory, brain health support, appetite control, mood enhancement, reduced stress, and increased thermogenesis.
In terms of ingredients, that is where you’ll find most of the differences with Genius Burn Version 2. While a lot of the formula is the same including 200mg of Cognizin citicoline, 50mg of Paradoxine grains of paradise, and 100mg of GS4 Plus gymnema sylvestre, there are a few minor and a couple of major tweaks.

The handful of changes Genius has made from its original to Genius Burn Version 2 are 300mg of KSM-66 branded ashwagandha, instead of Sensoril ashwagandha. There is no more iFAS503 camellia sinensis or AlphaSize alpha-GPC, an added 20mg of LeanGBB, and 100mg of the branded TheaKalm natural theanine in place of regular theanine.
You can get a closer look at the all-new Genius Burn Version 2 on Amazon or through the brand’s own online store at supplementsmarter.com. Both however don’t have it available for purchase, only Amazon does, at a price of $39.99 for a full-size bottle intended to last you the usual 30 days.