Over the years we’ve seen a lot of different supplement sample services, with all of them being limited to the US. Today we have another one to share that’s available to a much bigger audience, shipping to the US, Europe, the UK, Australia, and more.
If you’re not at all unfamiliar with this kind of thing, sample services are relatively straightforward. Typically you sign up on a month to month basis, then each month you get sent a package of various supplement samples, giving you a small taste of what else is on the market.
The name of the company we have in the spotlight today is Muscle Crate, a UK based service. It currently has two sample options available, regular and premium. The former comes with 12 or more sample packs and the latter also 12 or more, but along with a 1kg tub of protein powder as well.

A good example of one of Muscle Crate’s regular monthly sample boxes would be last month’s. It packed two samples each of MAN Sports delicious ISO-Amino, Block Buster, and PhD’s Advanced Mass, a Nitro-Tech Crunch bar, a can of PhD’s Amino Drive, and single samples of Performix ISO and ION, C4, and NXT’s Beef Protein Isolate.
You can find out more about Muscle Crate and all it has available through its website musclecrate.com. The prices per month on the sample boxes are £29.99 for premium and £15 for regular, although the regular does also have subscription options where you can sign on for a full year and get the packs for as low as £10.50 per month.