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Another PerfectShaker series on the way and possibly A-Team themed

A Team Shakers

Hot off the release of its convenient FitGo PerfectShaker accessory, as well as its eight piece series of Transformers shakers. Performa is already onto teasing its another line of shakers that we must admit, hasn’t left us overly sure on what the brand’s next theme is.

Performa is teasing its new set of PerfectShakers with an image featuring four bottles surrounded by fire and ice element graphics. There are also the words “Available February 8th”, in a stencil style font.

The graphics in the Performa teaser point us in a number of directions, but nothing we can ultimately tie together. The text is really the only thing that leads us to a good answer, as the font is similar, if not identical to what’s used to represent the classic A-Team.

The A-Team is also a fitting guess at Performa’s next line of PerfectShakers as there are four in the team and four shakers pictured. Fortunately, we’ll find out very soon if we’re close with our vague guess, as mentioned above the brand says the new series arrives next week on February the 8th.

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