The still very young supplement company Core Extreme Nutrition is currently preparing to add an entirely new product to its lineup. At the moment the brand’s family has just a few items in it with a protein powder, RX-D Pre-Workout, and its original pre-workout competitor, Boost.
The upcoming Core Extreme supplement is called BCAA Shredded, which as you can probably figure out, is a weight loss infused BCAA formula. The product intends to bring together a hybrid type experience with ingredients for burning fat and aminos for recovery.
The brand has yet to reveal the complete list of ingredients in its new BCAA Shredded; however, it has passed on a sneak peek confirming four features. On the recovery side, the supplement will have 5g of InstAminos BCAAs and 25mg of ActiGin, and for weight loss 250mg of InnoSlim and a gram of carnitine l-tartrate.
Despite not all of Core Extreme’s BCAA Shredded details being out there yet, you can already pre-order the product. The brand has thrown it up on its website for $35.99 per tub, with an estimate on the supplement’s arrival being somewhere within the next couple of months.