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FBomb relaunches with a new look, packaging and nut butter

fbomb fat is fuel

The on-the-go healthy fat fueling company FBomb has essentially relaunched itself this week with a number of new features and changes. If you head to the brand’s website you’ll notice it doesn’t look at all the same anymore nor do its products.

FBomb has completely overhauled its online presence at, where you can also check out its all-new look. At the moment the site only has the rebranded Nut Butters in stock, no Premium Oils, which both now come in a more traditional on-the-go squeeze pouch with a neat new look.

fbomb fat is fuel

Another thing FBomb fans may notice specifically with the rebranded and repackaged Nut Butter is that it now comes in a fourth flavor. On top of FBomb’s previous three options of Macadamia Nut Butter with Sea Salt, Coconut, and Salted Chocolate, there is Macadamia Pecan with Sea Salt.

You can get a closer look at everything for yourself through FBomb’s updated website. It is also worth mentioning that the brand’s Nut Butters are no longer available in packs of 15; instead, they come in a more convenient set of 10.