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Muscletech teases new formulas and a flavor for its SX-7 Revolution line


Muscletech has shared a teaser image hinting at the upcoming launch of four all-new supplements. The image itself doesn’t exactly reveal all that much, although fortunately the brand has given us a few words to go with the picture and provide a bit more insight.

The details we can confirm for Muscletech’s latest teaser are that the four items in the image are in fact all a part of the brand’s complex SX-7 Revolution Series. Three of those four are said to be new formulas and the other one is a new flavor option for a current SX-7 Revolution product.

The four new SX-7 Revolution Series supplements are all due to be unveiled early next week. Whatever the products turn out to be it won’t be long before they’re available on shelves, as the brand has said they’ll be launching this July exclusively at GNC.

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