The incredibly delicious and reputable functional food company Got7 Nutrition, has introduced a spin-off of its truly unforgettable Bahia Bar. The Bahia Bar is the German brand’s incredibly low sugar chocolate snack that tastes just like a traditional Kit Kat.
Got7 Nutrition’s new product is the Bahia Bar Pro, which weighs exactly the same as the original Bahia Bar per serving. The key difference with the pro version, however, is that its macros are just that little bit better with more protein, even less sugar, and slightly more calories.

The nutrition profile of Got7 Nutrition’s Bahia Bar Pro is 3.3g of protein, 8.5g of fat (5.2g saturated), 8.1g of carbohydrates with only 900mg of that sugar, and 113 calories. Despite the regular Bahia Bar already having low sugar, the Pro version packs a little over 30% less and has more than twice the protein.
The most exciting part about the Bahia Bar Pro is that the original is still the best tasting low sugar snack we’ve ever had, so if this is at all close, it’ll be a truly impressive product. It is now available for purchase from the brand’s German website at €2.49 per block or €29.90 (34.67 USD) for a box of 14.