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The Body Coach Joe Wicks partners with Myprotein for a line of supplements

The hugely popular Joe Wicks, better known as the Body Coach, has teamed up with major international brand Myprotein for his very own line of supplements. The Body Coach Series is made up of quite a few products, although they don’t cover all that many categories as some of the items are alternative vegan versions of other supplements in the line.

All of the regular Body Coach Series products are branded with a touch of green, while the vegan items have an earthy brown color scheme. The list of regular supplements includes Rolled Oats, Bangin’ Whey Protein, Fruity BCAA with 4g of BCAAs per serving, and the more basic formulas Daily Multivitamin, Vitamin D3, Peanut Butter, and Omega-3.

myprotein body coach series

As for the other side of Myprotein’s Body Coach Series, there is Fruity Vegan BCAA with 4g of vegan-friendly BCAAs per serving, Vitamin D3, Omega-3, and Proper Vegan Protein. The last item on that list is actually quite interesting as its features pea and fava bean isolate as its primary protein sources, which give it a lean nutrition profile of 21.9g of protein, a gram of carbs, less than a gram of fat, and only 96 calories.

You can read more about and purchase any of the new Body Coach Series supplements over on Myprotein’s main online store at The products vary in price from £4.99 for Daily Multivitamin up to £19.99 for Fruity BCAA, with sample sizes also available for select products as well as a box set packed full of samples from the Body Coach family.