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TF7 Labs announces all-in-one Vitamin Kit for release this Friday

tf7 labs vitamin kit

Later this week, TF7 Labs is adding an entirely new supplement to its well packaged and marketed family of products. The upcoming item is called Vitamin Kit, which is of course a multi-vitamin supplement; however, it does have a few other ingredients to make it more of an advanced vitamin.

TF7 Labs’ soon to be released Vitamin Kit will feature all of your essential vitamins as well as omega 3s, 6s and 9s, enzymes for digestion, and antioxidants. The brand has not named any ingredients specifically for Vitamin Kit, although all of that information should be available soon.

As mentioned, TF7 Labs plans on dropping Vitamin Kit later this week, or Friday the 1st of next month to be exact. The product will come with the usual total of 30 servings per pack, with no word yet on how much it’ll cost or where you’ll be able to get your hands on it first.

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