The fast-growing direct-to-consumer brand Jacked Factory has revealed that later this month it is getting into a category it is not currently competing in with a glucose disposal agent or more simply, a GDA. These types of supplements are always handy to have for cheat meals, and are typically designed to help your body utilize carbohydrates more efficiently.
Jacked Factory’s GDA is going to be named GDA-XT and features a fairly strong formula for better glucose uptake and muscle growth, as well as provide support for weight loss. Packed into each of the supplement’s two capsule servings is GS4 gymnema, half a gram of berberine, banaba, ALA, chromium, cinnamon bark, and the absorption enhancer AstraGin.

As mentioned, Jacked Factory plans on releasing GDA-XT later this month through its own online store over at jackedfactory.com. If you’re interested, you will want to get in as soon as the supplement becomes available as the brand has said GDA-XT will be launching with a special introductory deal exclusive to its website, so it’ll be best to get in sooner rather than later.