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Voting is now open for the Clash Of The Cans energy drink showdown

clash of the cans

Voting for the first-ever Clash Of The Cans competition is now open over at You are allowed to vote once every 24 hours, and you can potentially vote for any energy drink you like. We have 30 drinks on the list that you can support; however, there is a box at the bottom for you to input and vote for any other energy beverage.

The Clash Of The Cans is our quest to find the most popular energy drink on the market; hence why we’re getting everyone to vote for their favorite. To be eligible to compete in the energy drink showdown, a product just has to be infused with energy enhancing ingredients such as caffeine, and needs to have been on the market for at least one month.

Round Details

The way the Clash Of The Cans is going to work is, this week we’re running the first round with all products available to be voted on. At the end of the week we’re going to take the top 16, then have them face off in groups of four, for one week.

clash of the cans

The week after the groups of four, we’ll take the most voted energy drink from each group and pit them head to head in two groups of two. Then, following three weeks of intense competition, we’ll take our two winners of the head to head battles, and pit them against one another in our grand final during the week of the 5th of July.

Voters giveaway

We’re encouraging everyone to vote and support their favorite energy drink as well as share the contest with their friends. For those that do share Clash Of The Cans, we’ll be randomly selecting a handful of individuals who took time to vote and send them a case of the energy drink they voted for.

All you have to do to make sure you’re entered in the Clash Of The Cans voters giveaway is post about the competition on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with a link to and the hashtag #clashofthecans. We certainly look forward to seeing what energy drink comes out on top and hope you enjoy the competition.

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