The up and coming brand Alpha Lion continues to keep its fans interested and excited this week with the unveiling of another new supplement. The next release from the brand is Gain-O-Rade which is an advanced amino product designed for use during your workout.
Like most of Alpha Lion’s supplements, Gain-O-Rade features a relatively packed out combination of ingredients compared to a lot of its competitors. On the amino side, you get a hefty 10g of all nine essential amino acids with 6g of that being BCAAs and the rest belonging to the other six EAAs.
Alongside the heavy dose of aminos, Alpha Lion Gain-O-Rade also comes with ingredients to help with hydration in Calci-K, AquaMin, 2g of taurine, and a gram of coconut water. All of those highlighted doses are from the amino product’s two-scoop serving, which it has just 21 of in a full-size tub.

Gain-O-Rade vs Unicorn
While Gain-O-Rade is an entirely new supplement, Alpha Lion has actually formulated it as a replacement for its previously released Unicorn. Just like Grain-O-Rade, Unicorn was a full-spectrum EAA formula; however, its overall dose of EAAs was not as high nor was its hydration blend as comprehensive.
Launch details
Alpha Lion plans on launching Gain-O-Rade a week from now on Monday the 23rd of this month through alphalion.com. It will come with 21 maximum servings per tub as mentioned earlier, or 42 half servings, and have two flavors to choose from in Grapemelon Gains and Leg Day Limeade.