HPScience has finally unveiled its long-awaited weight loss supplement Inertia, which was first pictured and talked about in the first half of this year. The stimulant powered product is going to be available for pre-order from the brand’s website on Black Friday later this month for shipping in mid December.
While HPScience has classed Inertia as a fat burner, it is loaded with ingredients to do more than just that. As mentioned, it is a stimulant powered supplement and comes with a lot of features for all of the fun benefits you typically get with stimulants.

HPSceince has formulated Inertia for energy, focus, mood, and weight loss support. The main goal behinid the product is to get you moving right through until the end of your day. The brand does suggest taking one serving in the morning and one later in the day, which will surely help keep you energized until night.
As for the formula behind HPScience Inertia, it comes with quite the variety of ingredients. Some of its highlights include a gram of choline for focus, eria jarensis, and 150mg of natural caffeine. The brand has also included HICA and the common fat burning ingredients green coffee bean and olive leaf.