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Next version of C4 will have a serving more than 4X the size of C4 Extreme

cellucor biggest c4 to date

In two days, Cellucor is introducing yet another version of its popular and widely available pre-workout C4, and it will be its biggest to date. By biggest, we mean it is going to have a serving size much heavier than any of the brand’s other C4 supplements, including its recently revamped C4 Ultimate at 16g per serving.

The upcoming product’s serving is going to be almost five times as heavy as C4 Extreme and just short of twice the size of C4 Ultimate. As we always say, serving sizes don’t necessarily confirm how well-dosed a supplement is, but with that much room for great dosages, it does give a good indication of what you’re in for.

Once again, Cellucor will be completely unveiling its mysterious new version of C4 in just two days in the morning of New Year’s Day, so it’s less than 48 hours away. The product is not expected to be available for purchase on the 1st of January; however, it won’t be too long after then that you’ll be able to do so.

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