At the beginning of the year, the incredibly popular powerlifter Larry Wheels, dropped his very first supplement under his brand Personal Record. Since then, he has gone on to create a full family of supplements with three all-new products joining the lineup a few months ago in a creatine formula, pump pre-workout, and an amino.
Larry Wheels’ pump pre-workout PR-Pump is a good example of his growing Personal Record supplement selection featuring a reasonably well-dosed set of ingredients. Like most pump products, PR-Pump is stimulant-free and includes highlights such as 1.5g of agmatine, as well as 3g each of pure citrulline and GlycerPump glycerol.
You can check out the full line of supplements from Larry Wheels and Personal Record over on the website prlifestyle.com. The brand was actually all about fitness apparel and lifting accessories before supplements, so through the online store you’ll also find a wide range of that with tees, hoodies, pants, long-sleeves, and more.