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Applied puts together five different flavors of ABE and labels them all the same

applied nutrition mystery flavor abe

Applied Nutrition has shown its creativity several times over the years with unique flavors like Strawberry Mojito and Gin & Tonic, as well as unique products such as its delicious Protein Indulgence. The UK-based brand has put its creative ability to good use once again this month, introducing ‘Mystery Flavor’ for its stimulant pre-workout All Black Everything or ABE for short.

While we have seen supplement companies take that ‘Mystery Flavor’ approach before with the likes of Cellucor and the gaming brand G Fuel, Applied Nutrition’s Mystery Flavor ABE is quite different. The actual taste of this product varies from tub to tub. The way it works is the brand has put together five different flavors of ABE, although all of them have been branded and labeled identically.

Applied Nutrition’s Mystery Flavor ABE is truly a mystery, as there is no way of knowing what one you’re going to get, only that there are five different flavors to experience. Like other limited-edition options for the supplement, Mystery Flavor comes with all of ABE’s usual ingredients as well as an additional 100mg of Dynamine for even stronger energy and mental focus.