In exactly one week, the return of our Stack3d Pro supplement and nutrition expo is going down over at www.stack3d.pro. Right at midnight this coming Sunday, the online-exclusive event will go live, and you’ll be able to take in everything our exhibitors have lined up for you. There is going to be just shy of 50 brands at the expo, teasing, announcing, running deals, and giving away products.
If you head to www.stack3d.pro today, you can see the full list of exhibitors as you scroll to the bottom. We updated the page with a subscription box as well for you to throw in your email address. If you sign-up, you’ll be notified via email when the Stack3d Pro Expo goes online; however, we’ll be blasting it all over Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and of course, here on our website, so it’ll be hard to miss.
Another feature we’ve organized for this year’s return of the Stack3d Pro is we’re running expo awards, much like we have at all of the physical supplement expos we typically attend. For our expo though, we’re going to leave the decision to our fans. There will be a voting page where you can vote for any of the exhibitors in any of the categories, and the one with the most votes will take home the title.
You’ll be able to vote as soon as the Stack3d Pro Expo goes live, with categories like best booth/page, as well as the most exciting announcement or teaser. As we continue to mention, it will be a supplement filled week, with plenty of things to check out, enter, and read up on at the expo. The only support we ask for is you visit sometime during the seven days and spread the word on social media.