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Iced Tea Lemonade also arriving this coming week for Ghost Amino

iced tea lemonade ghost amino

Yesterday, Ghost announced an intriguing new flavor for its tasty superfood supplement, Ghost Greens, with Iced Tea Lemonade. It will be the fourth option for the product, which isn’t all that old, coming to the market only five months ago in April. It turns out, when Iced Tea Lemonade Ghost Greens arrives on Thursday of this week, it won’t be alone.

Alongside its fourth flavor of Ghost Greens, Ghost is launching another addition to its full-spectrum amino, Ghost Amino. The more interesting detail is the new flavor for Ghost Amino is exactly the same as the latest for Ghost Greens, in Iced Tea Lemonade. Once again, the flavor will be available this Thursday for Ghost Amino and Ghost Greens at