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Several more supplements on the way for USN’s US Vibrance Collection

usn vibrance collection expansion

In USN’s line of supplements for the US is a series of products called the Vibrance Collection, made up of general health and wellness type items such as collagen, a fat loss enhanced collagen, and a multivitamin. Very soon, the international brand originally out of South Africa plans on expanding the collection a whole lot further to include several other supplements.

USN has shared a picture, including many of those upcoming Vibrance Collection products, and there are quite a few. The supplements looking to grow the series include a dedicated immune health formula, and some slightly simpler products named Apple Cider Vinegar, Omega-3 Fish Oil, and Turmeric. There is also one called ‘Feels’, which appears to be a mind and mood supplement.

As mentioned, USN is really getting ready to explode its Vibrance Collection, going well beyond the three products it currently has. Based on the supplements we can see, the brand is planning to almost triple the size of the series and give it a much more comprehensive selection.

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