The semifinals for the 2020 Protein Wars are here, and like in the past, we have a different selection of protein powders to previous years that have progressed through from the earlier rounds. No matter how the competition turns out, we are going to be crowning an all-new Protein Wars champion, as all previous winners have been knocked out, including last year’s.
It was actually quite a tight race in a number of the Protein Wars quarterfinals groups, with leaps and surges from a lot of brands and protein powders. At the end of the week, the four supplements that have made it through are Jim Stoppani’s Pro Jym, Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard, and the newcomers, Flow Protein Plus and Arms Race Nutrition’s Foundation.
Those four products are now going against one another in two groups for the semifinals, with Pro Jym taking on Flow Protein Plus, and Optimum Nutrition versus Arms Race. The new measures and steps we’ve implemented for voting have definitely made things a lot more interesting, and exciting; as mentioned, no matter who wins, we’ll be crowning a new champion.
You can submit only one vote per group per week over at proteinwars.com, and we are keeping the email verification in place, so once you’ve submitted your vote, you’ll need to confirm via email. The semifinals close at midnight Sunday, with the grand final kicking off one week from now.