E-MAX Nutrition is a long-awaited supplement company out of the UK that was first talked about way back in July of last year, followed by the reveal of its first four products. Those products were the pre-workout Antidote, a BCAA-based amino and two protein powders, one whey formula named Pro + Shake, and the other a fat loss infused supplement called Cherie.
After a few delays and push backs, E-MAX Nutrition has finally come to market with three of its previously confirmed products. There is the pre-workout now officially named Maxidote, the protein powder Pro + Shake, and the amino named after its main ingredient, BCAA. You can get a closer look at the new brand’s supplements on its website, with each of them going the modern route and featuring completely open and transparent labels.
E-MAX Nutrition’s pre-workout Maxidote is the most complex product of the lot, including highlights such as 3g of pure citrulline and a reliable 300mg of caffeine for energy. Once again, you can get a closer look at the supplements at emaxnutrition.com, where all of them are in stock and available for purchase at £27.99 to £34.99, or grab the stack of all three at £60.