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Outwork’s original pre-workout now has a caffeine-free version

outwork pre-workout caffeine free

Since its launch, Layne Norton’s brand Outwork Nutrition has had the same two supplements available for purchase: Outwork Pre-Workout to power you through your training and Outwork Recovery to support recovery. There is now a third product in the Outwork lineup, which is technically a spin-off or alternate version of its original stimulant pre-workout.

Layne Norton’s supplement company has released a caffeine-free option of Outwork Pre-Workout featuring all of the same ingredients as the regular product, just without the 300mg of caffeine. Everything else in the pre-workout is the same with 6g of citrulline malate for pumps, 3.2g of beta-alanine for performance, 300mg of rhodiola, and 150mg of l-dopa.

Directly through Outwork Nutrition’s online store, the caffeine-free pre-workout is the same price as the original at $39.99, and it is currently only available in one of the regular version’s three flavors with Tropical Candy.