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Comprehensive multivitamin comes to the ever-growing Huge Nutrition lineup

huge nutrition multi

Huge Nutrition recently rolled out a vitamin and mineral supplement, something that, despite the size of its lineup, it was missing. The brand has appropriately named the product Huge Multi, and it comes with a variety of vitamins and minerals to support general health. It doesn’t have a massive amount of bonus or extra features like some others out there; it is primarily a multivitamin.

Huge Nutrition has packed Huge Multi with a full range of B vitamins, K1 and K2, a solid dose of vitamin C at 750mg per four capsule serving, zinc, 25mcg of vitamin D, and a whole bunch of other vitamins and minerals. The not-so-common ingredients you get in the supplement include the enzyme bromelain, taurine, a small amount of choline, CoQ10, lycopene, and lutein for vision health.

Huge Multi has been given a relatively premium price through Huge Nutrition’s online store, up there with the likes of Inspired Multivitamin and Ghost Multi at $43.99 for a bottle of 30 servings. We’re not sure exactly when the brand dropped this, but it appears to be recently, and as mentioned, it is now in stock and available through the Huge website over at