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Combat Fuel releases its high-protein spin on the classic Peanut Butter Cup

Combat Fuel Protein Peanut Butter Cups

The UK brand Combat Fuel has followed through and released its first-ever protein snack previewed a few weeks ago with the promising and delicious-sounding Protein Peanut Butter Cups. We haven’t seen a picture of the product outside of its wrapper, although we imagine it’s a traditional peanut butter cup but with a healthy twist packing more protein and less sugar.

Combat Fuel’s Protein Peanut Butter Cups come with two cups per packet, each tipping the scales at 20g. Combined together, the pair of peanut butter cups provides a solid 13g of protein, 8.4g of carbohydrates with 6.8g of that sugar, 14g of fat, and 210 calories. The macros are about the same as most protein snacks, featuring a little bit less than a typical bar at 20g.

Combat Fuel is now stocking its Protein Peanut Butter Cups on its website at £19.99 (27.52 USD) for a box of ten packets, which works out to an even £2 per pack and £1 per peanut butter cup. It’ll be interesting to see how these turn out, especially since it’s very different from the usual bar format snack you see most brands come out with as their first edible effort.

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