Reputable brand Performax Labs has shared its highly-anticipated announcement, confirming the “something big is coming” it’s been teasing over the past month, or at least a fraction of it. This week’s news revolves around the packaging of the brand’s highly effective supplements, as Performax didn’t feel it matched the quality and power of its loaded formulas.
In 2021, Performax Labs is looking to change that imbalance of formulas to branding, and bring up its label designs to match the effectiveness of its products. The brand has spent the past year working on its new look and feel that is said to be a much better representation of its supplements and will go across its entire lineup. While this is exciting news, Performax is only confirming the rebrand today and has not shared what any of the products look like just yet.
Based on Performax Labs hyping its “something big is coming” for a month or so and describing it as “big”, we’re guessing the updated look is only part of what it has up its sleeve. We suspect there is still a lot more to come, but for now, that is all the brand is giving us, so we look forward to the next update in the coming weeks, including a look at its major rebrand.