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Performax Labs’ something big is being announced in exactly six days

performax labs something big

At last month’s Stack3d Supplement Expo Performax Labs sneakily teased something “big” for some time this Summer, and it also said it’s “Tearing away our conventional pursuits to reveal our hardcore roots”. While that teaser is now almost two months old, we’re finally approaching the highly-anticipated reveal of Performax Labs’ something “big”.

Next week the reputable brand plans on revealing what its clues and teasers have been leading up to. There won’t be any visual reveal from what we know or anything to look at, mostly a descriptive announcement. To ensure fans don’t miss out on the highly exciting news, Performax Labs has confirmed an exact date its few initial details are being shared.

The day to note down on your calendar is Thursday the 12th of this month, which is precisely six days from today. We are going to be passing on all of the information we can get our hands on here at Stack3d and blasting the news through our notification system and social, so regular readers won’t miss out.

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