The latest flavor of VPX Sports’ hugely popular and widely available Bang Energy drink has been revealed and officially released, and it is far from what we expected. The brown and orange color combination seen in the product’s many teasers and images over the past week had us thinking of root beer or something orange-flavored, although that is not the case.
Bang Energy has shown its creative ability once more, introducing the intriguing Whole Lotta Chocolata Bang Energy drink. From what we understand, it is indeed a rich chocolate taste, which for a carbonated energy drink is definitely something different. We’ve seen the brand put together many interesting flavors, and Whole Lotta Chocolata ranks right up there.
The all-new Whole Lotta Chocolata Bang Energy drink has all of the beverage’s usual key ingredients, including Super Creatine, all nine EAAs, a solid 300mg of caffeine, and zero calories. You can purchase the flavor starting today directly from the Bang Energy online store at bangenergy.com, where a case of a dozen cans of the beverage will cost you $26.99.