Glaxon has introduced an exciting new feature to its website where you can permanently save a good amount of money on all of its advanced and effective supplements. The feature is called the “Stack Builder”, where you’re presented with a page of all of the brand’s individual products, then you select which ones you want to create a bundle or stack.
The benefit of using Glaxon’s Stack Builder versus just going the usual route and adding the supplements to your cart from their respective pages, is it gives you a strong 20% discount. What’s even better is you can still throw in your ongoing coupons, including our Stack3d Insider one, bringing your order down an additional 20% after the original 20%.
A good example of the Stack Builder at work is if you purchase the pre-workout stack of Specimen, Plasm Surge, and Plasm Caps for even better pumps; instead of paying $134.97, it’ll be just $86.39. That works out to under $30 a product, and to top it off, purchases over $50 from Glaxon’s website get free shipping, making glaxon.com the place to go for loyal fans.
Update: Glaxon was allowing coupon codes to be used with the Stack Builder feature although it has since updated its system and now doesn’t offer any additional discount on top of the 20% you get from your custom stack.