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R-600 brings together three types of caffeine to provide 600mg a capsule

Apollon Nutrition R600

Apollon Nutrition has revealed all you need to know about its previously mysterious capsule supplement R-600 as it is launching this weekend through the brand’s website. All that was originally confirmed about R-600 was that it comes in capsule format, not bulk powder like most of Apollon’s products, and it is designed to increase and enhance energy and mental focus.

Apollon Nutrition’s R-600 is a relatively straightforward caffeine formula, providing a combined 600mg of the energizing compound in each of its single capsule servings. That caffeine comes from a transparent blend of caffeine anhydrous, citrate, and Infinergy di-caffeine malate, with the whole idea of it being that it’s a similar level of caffeine to the brand’s reputable pre-workouts.

Once again, Apollon Nutrition’s R-600 is launching through its online store this weekend with 30 single-serving capsules per bottle. We’re not sure about its price, although with caffeine being its one and only feature, it’ll likely be very cost-effective. R-600 is actually launching alongside the IsoBlast flavor announced yesterday with the delicious German Chocolate Cake.