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Pandy releases a new option for its beverage and describes it as a classic energy drink flavor

Power Pandy Energy Drink

Swedish brand Pandy has a new flavor this week for its one and only beverage, simply called the Pandy Energy Drink, featuring a relatively straightforward formula. The product focuses purely on energy with 100mg of caffeine, no added vitamins or recovery-supporting amino acids, and it is clean, having no sugar, and only three calories per can.

The newest addition to the menu of the Pandy Energy Drink might be its most intriguing and vague flavor to date, as all of the others are named after their tastes in the likes of Raspberry, Pineapple, and Lemon Lime. The newest member of the beverage’s family is Power, something the brand itself describes as a classic energy drink flavor experience.

While Pandy doesn’t explicitly say it, we’re guessing the Power Pandy Energy Drink is a Red Bull-like taste based on the colors of the product and that brief “classic” description. Like many other regions of the world, Red Bull is an incredibly popular energy drink in Europe, and we have had a lot of beverages in Europe that have an impressive Red Bull taste.

Regardless of whether it’s intended to be like the legendary Red Bull or not, Power Pandy Energy Drink is available now in Sweden through Pandy’s online store, and it does appear to be permanent, so it won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

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