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Two authentic Airheads candy flavors revealed for Xtend’s signature supplement

Xtend X Airheads Mystery Flavor And Cherry

Authentic flavor collaborations have become much more common over the past couple of years, and they’re just as fun and exciting, as we continue to see creative, refreshing, nostalgic, and intriguing partnerships. Several brands have yet to dip their toes in that area of the sports nutrition industry, which is something that’s about to change at the legacy amino company, Xtend.

Reputable retailer Campus Protein has uploaded a listing for two completely new flavors of Xtend’s signature supplement, Xtend Original, featuring its signature 7g of BCAAs, glutamine, citrulline, and electrolytes. The flavors are Xtend’s first authentic collaborations and both are put together in partnership with the legendary candy Airheads in Airheads Mystery flavor and Airheads Cherry.

Campus Protein does not have a date for when the Airheads Mystery Flavor Xtend Original or Airheads Cherry Xtend Original will be available, but you can sign up to be notified when stock eventually arrives. It is the new and different partnerships that keep things exciting with authentic collaborations, and that is precisely what we’ve got in Airheads Mystery Flavor and Cherry Xtend Original.

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