Glaxon is known for many different things; premium formulas, specialized supplements, and frequently updating its more popular, mainstream category products, especially in the pre-workout space. The reputable brand has tweaked as well as pumped out a few different versions of its stimulant pre-workout Specimen, and on occasions, it’s revamped its stimulant-free Plasm Surge, and here in early 2023, it has done that again.
Glaxon is indeed gearing up to release another iteration of its caffeineless pre-workout Plasm Surge that can nicely stack with all versions of the stimulant-fueled Specimen. There are several differences between the old to new Plasm Surge but also some similarities.
The consistent features of the supplement are 6g of pure citrulline, although it no longer utilizes Kyowa Quality citrulline, and arginine is still there at a higher 2g up from 1.2g, but no longer Kyowa like the citrulline. Setria glutathione remains at 200mg, Glaxon’s signature Astrolyte electrolyte blend has been carried over with a bit of a bump from 1.55g to 1.77g, and for better absorption, AstraGin remains at 25mg a serving.

Some of the other, slightly more significant changes in the product are the addition of a full 3.2g of beta-alanine for performance and to broaden Plasm Surge’s list of benefits, and the 100mg of VasoDrive-AP has been dropped for another premium and proven pump component in Nitrosigine at 1.5g. Capros branded amla fruit extract is now in the mix as well, and 5mg of PQQ to support mitochondrial health.
Glaxon’s latest reformulation of Plasm Surge certainly keeps the focus on improving and enhancing muscle pumps, with most of the previous version’s ingredients staying on board. The additions like beta-alanine and Nitrosigine should also help broaden the experience, and by the sounds of things, the improved supplement will be making its way to market shortly, although if you head to glaxon.com, its predecessor is still in stock.