Performax Labs recently shared a rather cryptic teaser that featured a shadowed, undetailed box alongside the words “biggest little launch”, leaving much to the imagination. We do know the reputable brand is building towards an all-new supplement of some sort, and today we have another teaser; although like the “biggest little launch” graphic, this one doesn’t include too much information but enough to get us thinking.
You can see the latest teaser from Performax Labs in the image above, which features that same unlabeled box we saw a couple of weeks ago; however, this time around, it has the name of the product and its benefits. The upcoming supplement from the brand is Hyper 3D, similar, of course, to its reputable powerhouse pre-workout HyperMax, and the benefits it plans to deliver are also similar in intense energy, focus, and pumps.
Based on the effects Performax Labs is looking to deliver in Hyper 3D, it sounds like some sort of pre-workout, and with a name like that, we’re guessing it incorporates 3D Pump in some way, as that is the case with HyperMax 3D and 3D Pump max. The big question remaining is what separates Hyper 3D from Performax’s other pre-workout type products; maybe this is something that can stack with those other items, or maybe an alternative with 3D Pump for pumps and lighter energy and focus.
The good news is, as mysterious as Performax Labs is keeping Hyper 3D, more details should be along soon. It took the brand two weeks from its last teaser to get to this one, suggesting we’ll be getting more about the intriguing supplement in another couple of weeks, sometime early next month. Performax is certainly building up this one substantially more than any other launch, leading us to believe it has to be something significant.