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Divine Nutrition is looking to make Indian sports nutrition history in its upcoming American Series

Divine Nutrition Announces American Series

Divine Nutrition is a supplement company out of India that is incredibly difficult to miss on shelves, as all of its products come packaged in eye-catching chrome-colored bottles. Divine Nutrition proudly claims to be India’s first multinational sports nutrition brand, and it covers many of the important categories from amino and pre-workout for recovery and performance to a host of protein powders and even a multivitamin for kids.

The next significant development from Divine Nutrition is a completely new line of products referred to as the American Series, although it doesn’t get that name because it is going to be available in the major US market. The brand has created the selection of supplements around the idea that each of the items in it is formulated and manufactured in America, then imported into India for sale in all of the usual stores that carry Divine.

Divine Nutrition has gone as far as to say this is the first time in India’s sports nutrition history that a local brand has done this: designed and produced its supplements in America and brought them in from there. That is indeed a massive deal, as all of the Indian brands we know do indeed have their products made locally, including Divine. That won’t be the case specifically for its upcoming American Series, and we look forward to seeing what it all ends up looking like, especially on the formula side.

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