Reputable Black Magic Supply has dipped its toes in the area of testosterone boosting, libido, and muscle building on various occasions in the likes of the cleverly named Super Natty and the dedicated sexual performance supplement Wand. Joining those items this week is another testosterone-boosting muscle builder by the name of T Boost, and it sees the long-running and reliable sports nutrition brand make use of a couple of your more modern and currently popular components to deliver the desired experience.
Black Magic Supply’s T Boost brings together three different ingredients, or two specifically, to deliver those attractive benefits of natural testosterone support, increased libido and performance, muscle building, and reduced muscle loss, which would nicely complement a weight loss stack. Those two main ingredients driving T Boost have been combined with the ever-present BioPerine black pepper at 10mg a serving to enhance absorption and get more out of the ingredients for greater overall efficacy.

Black Magic Supply has packed T Boost with the common turkesterone source ajuga turkestanica extract at 1.5g in a three-capsule serving, and it lists a precise turkesterone standardization of 10%, working out to 150mg from that 1.5g. Again, there are two primary components in the brand’s first entirely new supplement of the year, with turkesterone alongside 650mg of cyanotis arachnoidea, a source of a different ecdysteroid in the slightly more common ecdysterone, with a substantial 98% standardization.
T Boost is priced right around the same as its other testosterone-minded and muscle-building supplements, Super Natty and Wand, carrying a price of $44.99 for a full-size bottle of the usual 30 servings to get you through a typical month. Being entirely ecdysteroid-based, Black Magic Supply’s T Boost doesn’t have any crossover with its other products, so fans can easily add it to their current stack. That formula approach also makes it versatile enough to combine with most other muscle-building style supplements from brands outside of Black Magic.