The Original Ghost Energy Drink is a signature or, as per the name, original flavor of the sports nutrition brand’s hugely successful and widely popular beverage that includes ingredients to support focus and cognition as well as uplifting energy. The product has a lot of flavors to choose from in specialty stores and major convenience chains, although Original comes in a smaller 8.4oz can and is on-premises-only, meaning it is exclusively found and available at festivals and bars for consumption on the premises it is served.
We were fortunate enough to get our hands on a can of the Original Ghost Energy Drink and have been wanting to try the flavor as soon as we heard about the concept. The product is designed to be a signature or original flavor, similar to what you get from other major competitors in the space that have a nameless or debut flavor. Some Examples of that would be the Green Monster, white Monster Ultra, Red Bull, and Rockstar Original. It is also worth noting that Ghost’s Original is in that smaller 8.4oz can, which does bring with it lower amounts of active ingredients, including less caffeine, where you get 100mg a can instead of 200.

The Original Ghost Energy Drink definitely has its own unique taste, so much so it’s hard to nail it down to one specific flavor or a single item to relate it to. At first, it has a very syrupy or malty hint, reminiscent of the signature offerings from other big-name competitors within the category. Ghost’s Original, however, is nowhere near as dense, offering that almost classic energy drink flavor but staying light and crisp, although at the end of each sip, it does tail off into a bit of sweet and tart citrusy lime while holding on to that initial taste.
Knowing the goal of the Original Ghost Energy Drink, the brand had a lot of freedom on the flavor, as it’s not named after anything specific, so it takes away any preconceptions that it could miss on. This is an entirely original creation, where Ghost carefully crafted a distinct signature taste unlike anything else on the beverage’s menu. We can confirm it certainly delivers on that, being its own unique experience. Original is also something we’d put right up there with some of our favorites Ghost Energy Drinks and would quickly grab again, although, as mentioned, it is on-premises-only, so you won’t run into it at your local store.