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Lift Box has put together a subscription box that’s packed full of snacks

Lift Box Snack Box

There are a few services out there for the more adventurous types when it comes to sports nutrition products, and one of the best is The Lift Box. It has been around for several years, and it is known for its always exciting subscription, which sends you a box full of samples of various supplements every month, from new to established names on the market. It is an incredibly great way to try out new things and discover brands, and you get a piece of apparel in every box.

The Lift Box is introducing something quite different tomorrow, sort of an alternative to its long-running sports nutrition box. It is called the Snack Box, and that sums up the whole concept nicely, as instead of being filled with samples and trial sizes of supplements, this one is jam-packed with better-for-you snack. It still has some sports nutrition products, but at a different ratio, as subscribers will know that the original Lift Box also has the occasional snack or functional food in the mix.

The Lift Box’s Snack Box almost reverses the ratio, putting a lot of snacks and ready-to-eat items inside and significantly fewer supplement samples. You don’t get an item of clothing in this one, although you also pay a lower price; where the regular Lift Box is $39.95, the Snack Box is almost half that at $24.95. The Snack Box is going live and becoming available for purchase through tomorrow morning, and you’ll want to be quick as the brand doesn’t have many.