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Beauty ingredient Verbasnol adds moderate to severe acne treatment to its list of benefits

Verbasnol Acne Treatment Study

The catalog of ingredients from Nuliv Science is impeccably extensive, and the company has done a great job ensuring it has a presence in at least something in what feels like almost every brand in the sports nutrition world. Nuliv is most known for premium and proven components like Senactiv to power performance and muscle building, the powerhouse sleep aid Zylaria, and the hugely popular absorption enhancer AstraGin, as well as some health and wellness items like the beauty ingredient Verbasnol.

Nuliv Science has just shared a study on Verbasnol demonstrating its efficacy and safety in treating moderate to severe acne, specifically in females. Published in Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology, the study found that 80% of participants experienced acne improvement over a two-month period. It showed significant enhancements in acne severity and skin quality, highlighting the potential and versatility of Verbasnol and the wider variety of benefits it can bring to the world of supplements.

Verbasnol was already promoted and known for its ability to support healthy skin aging, radiance and appearance, and now it can add acne improvement to that arsenal of benefits. You can already find Verbasnol in many dedicated beauty products, including the reputable Ghost Glow, as well as general health and wellness supplements. This new study should be plenty to encourage more brands to utilize the ingredient and potentially build products around it, as clearly, it has a lot to offer, even more than before.

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