Apollon Nutrition has exploded its catalog of supplements over the last few years, and while a lot of that has come in traditional sports nutrition categories, almost equally as much innovation has come in the world of health and wellness. The hardcore brand gives its products on that side of the line a cleaner, brighter white label design, and it includes a host of incredibly well-put-together supplements, including Liver Lover, Resistance, Mind Games, Gut Glory, and the stacked multivitamin Multi.
A signature trait of Apollon Nutrition is to tease the many completely new products as well as reformulations it has coming down the pipeline, telling fans precisely what’s up next or at the very least alluding to the category it plans on tackling. Today, the two-time Brand Of The Year has done exactly that, sharing a mysterious image relating to an upcoming supplement belonging to its health and wellness lineup, as it has a white label, and some sort of green, leafy, natural pattern in the background.
While Apollon Nutrition’s family of products in the health and wellness department is large, there are still many other categories and subcategories left for it to take on. This mysterious supplement is indeed going to do that, giving fans another item they can stack and take on a regular basis for benefits outside of the gym, and regardless of its type, coming from this particular brand, you know the formula will be on point.