Restaurant chain Oakberry, known for its wholesome, nutritious, and health conscious bowls, smoothies, and snacks, has partnered with a company we’re more than familiar with in the health and nutrition brand KOS, specifically its superfood formula Spirulina Powder. The restaurant and brand have come together to make a special edition smoothie by the name of Blue Fairy that blends both sides of the partnership, Oakberry’s acai smoothie base, smooth banana, and KOs’ Luminous Blue Spirulina supplement.
The combination makes for an eyecatching smoothie with the division of acai and sky blue spirulina powder for a nutritious and wellness-supporting beverage. You can get it in all three of Oakberry’s beverage sizes in the Classic 12oz, the Works 16oz, and the maximum size, The Oak, with a volume of 24oz. The restaurant is an international company but you can only get the all-new Blue Fairy at its local US locations, which it has over 30 of, in three corners of the country in New York, Florida, and California.